Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Search For a Time and a Place to Paint

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

Stephanie Holman presented her story about three women artists of the Brown County Artists Colony. She was commissioned by the Indiana Historical Center and Storytelling Arts of Indiana to create a program for their "Sharing Hoosier History Through Stories" series. This program was to promote the IHS publication "Skirting the Issue: Indiana's Historical Women Artists."
Stephanie premiered the story in 2004 and has traveled the state telling the 45-minute program at numerous museums and libraries. This presentation on November 1st at the Monroe County Public Library was her final presentation of the story. However, it was filmed by Community Access Television and will be shown regularly on Channel 3.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Storytelling Fork

As we gather with family and friends this Thursday, here's a game to get your whole family telling stories. Just click on the link for the "Pass the Talking Fork "game!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

In Print

Congratulations to Pamela Genfell Smith! Her "six postcards from my journey with the academy for biblical storytelling" is the lead article in the November/December issue of The Biblical Storyteller.