Thursday, August 3, 2017

A mess of beans

Now that it is full Summer in Indiana, the beans are coming in.
This has been a good year for beans, 
 lots of beans,
lots of meals with beans.
Doesn't that remind you of a story?
 Yes, that story - the one that starts out with them picking beans
and the little boy can't stand another meal of beans without meat....
Richard Chase called it "Chunk of Meat"
but we all know it as
"The Big Toe."

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Two truths and a lie

At our seasonal meeting last week we were fortunate to hear a hilarious preview of some stories to be shared at this program:

McCormick's Creek State Park

Not going to say whether we heard truth or falsehood, but guarantee you will have a great time at this program!