Monday, September 30, 2013

Not just for adults

September marks the beginning of our storytelling season.  We're making plans and looking for spooky stories, getting ready for the flurry of activity around Halloween.
This is also when the public library resumes regular preschool storytimes.
Storytellers use books and props and flannelboards
and puppets to enhance the listening experience 
and introduce young audiences to story appreciation.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fall Picnic and Planning Meeting

 It was a lovely evening in Upper Cascades Park

when the Guild gathered for a planning session

and picnic.
 There were plentiful plates full of good food -  healthy salad,

fruits and veggies --

and one must mention the pie

and the still warm brownies

that accompanied the also plentiful conversation.
We had lots to discuss: the upcoming Festival of Ghost Stories on  Oct. 25, with the auditions on Oct. 4th; some exciting ideas for promotional activities; a weekend of storytelling that will include both Wintertelling and a workshop in February  -- you will be hearing more about all this. 

We welcomed a new member

and missed those of you who could not join us.

It was a fine beginning

to what promises to be a very good Storytelling season!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Time for our annual Fall Gathering!

Summer's almost it must be time for our annual Fall Gathering.

The Bloomington Storytellers Guild invites members, their families and friends, and anyone interested in the traditional art of storytelling to join us for a Fall Picnic on Sunday, September 22. We will gather in the Lions Den Shelter House at Upper Cascades Park on Bloomington's north side around 5:00 pm.
(note: this facility IS handicapped accessible!)

Bring a pitch-in dish to share and whatever you prefer to drink, and we'll supply plates, forks, and cups. 

We'll talk about the coming storytelling season and answer questions about the Guild and its activities.  Yes, there might be a story or two as well!

Dues are due, if you are a teller who wants to tell with us, send an email if you have questions about this.