Stephanie Holman, seen here with a Crocodile and friends, has long been using puppets to bring life to storytelling. Mind you, this can be something entirely different than putting on a puppet show (although she is excellent at that too!).
Telling with a puppet can:
*focus attention in a challenging environment
*give the single teller a second voice
*illuminate a character with form and motion
*add surprise and delight to stories.
Puppets work with stories for all ages, not just the youngest audience, and they are super to provide variety in long programs for families or mixed age groups.
Stephanie is soon to leave Bloomington and the Guild, but before she leaves she is going to impart her puppet wisdom to us in a free Workshop on Thursday, January 30, 2020.
This is the first of a series of workshops designed to introduce tellers and would-be tellers to new techniques and storytelling skills.
Here's the blurb from the Library's website:
Puppet Storytelling
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Monroe County Public Library, Main Library, Children's
Program Room
303 E. Kirkwood Avenue, Bloomington, In 47408
Registration is open
Professional storyteller and retiring Children’s Librarian
Stephanie Holman will share her experience with puppets in this creative and
immersive workshop. Teachers and Librarians for preschool through elementary
age can bring or choose a story and utilize puppets and will leave the workshop
with a new puppet show.
A partnership between Bloomington
Storytellers Guild and the Library.
Please join us!